Well it’s been an interesting week so far… and its only Tuesday.
This week we did the filming for our upcoming launch of our capability matrix – RRM CapMat - and I had the new experience of being filmed for marketing purposes – (so I am not wearing medieval costume, which is when I usually get on camera!).
Leo and Cat from DBD marketing were very supportive and guided me through the process. Leo made sure I was well prepared in advance, with questions to think about and an explanation of the process, and both of them made me feel quite comfortable. Cat explained what she was looking for and how to keep it natural. Given how talkative I am I didn’t have any problem with the speaking bit and I did my best not to wave my hands around too much.
I hadn’t realised how much would go into this though: getting the light right, different angles, different backgrounds, different working positions and screens, variations on the questions to cover all the major points, some side trips on topics that also feed into the main subject.
And of course there was lots of laughter and a few out-takes.
I guess I am getting used to the idea that this is the start of my “on screen” career. When I start doing podcasts I am going to have to be this prepared.
I can’t wait to see the finish product and am looking forward to the launch. Exciting times!
Reward Risk Management Ltd.