Why you need to do an EPA
Our briefing paper gives you an overview of what equal pay is all about, and the common pitfalls that organisations stumble across. We explain what advantages you can gain for your business from getting an equal pay audit done. We share some common myths and remind you why market rates are not the answer to everything.
All You need to Know About Using a Reward Consultant
This is the briefing paper you need if you or your team have never used a reward consultant before. It can be daunting and we have put together a little bit of guidance about what to expect.
Benchmarking - How to get really good benchmarking data
Getting benchmarking data you will really find useful needs just a little planning. Here are some key questions every organisation should consider before sourcing benchmarking information.
Introduction to KPlan
KPlan is a bespoke job evaluation scheme, operated under license. This document provides some further information about the scheme.
Which job sizing approach works for you
Job evaluation can be a resource intensive process. This document summarises the alternative approaches and the risks associated with each.
How to make your Job Evaluation Scheme work for you
We believe there is a trick to getting your managers more engaged with your job evaluation scheme. Getting it to work for you means getting them more involved, and ensuring the process remains effective. Here are our 10 steps to making your job evaluation scheme work for you.
Types of Pay Structure
There are only so many types of pay structure - the rest is about process. We have summarised the different types of structure in this document.
How benefits align to lifestyle
We believe there is much to gain from aligning your benefits provision to the lifestyles of your staff. Understanding the demographic will help you focus on where your benefits budget can be most usefully employed. This short brief summarises how lifestyle can impact benefits choices.
Reward Risk Management Ltd.