It was a timely email reminder that dropped the following article from Employee Benefits Magazine right into my lap, just as I was getting ready to publish our EPA white paper.
Birmingham City Council unable to pay £760 million equal pay bill - (
It makes for scary reading, but in this case I am all for scare tactics if it helps you get the organisation you work for more compliant. That said, I am more than aware that asking the Board if they want to be the next Birmingham City Council is quite possibly political suicide. However, including references to the ongoing implications of not getting equal pay right is just business casing the need to get it done.
If you're not sure where to start, or what an EPA entails, have a look at our white paper and give us a call. We'll happily talk you through it and give you a realistic view of the resources needed - imagine the relief of knowing what you need to do.
Reward Risk Management Ltd.