This week I took some time out for a bit of personal development. It's important to do that occasionally and when you've been busy I think it's a great way to just decompress for a few hours and still feel productive. (Yes, I am one of those people who has to give myself permission to take time off, it's just the way I am!).
So I finally completed the i-act Managing and Promoting Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing training. What an eye-opener! I've always been slightly afraid of getting into this arena - mostly because I am worried I will say or do the wrong thing. It was a relief to find out that I am not alone in that.
Learning the signs to look for, the right and wrong things to say, and the tools you can use to direct people to the help they can use has given me a stronger sense that I can handle these situations. I even tried a few of the tools on myself.
One thing that did stand out for me was the Mental Health and Wellbeing policy. I would like to believe that all of my clients, because they are an enlightened bunch generally, would have a policy for this. A defined approach; with perhaps managers who are trained, staff who are informed, champions and initiatives that encourage communication and understanding of the mental health and wellbeing issues, rather than a few short paragraphs in the general health and wellbeing policy approach. I didn't but I will have soon!
Do you have a seperate policy?
Have you got trained managers?
Do you need to do more?