And, I have had a career where I have worked with many amazing women.
You often read about women not supporting women in the workplace environment and I suspect there are some situations where this is true. But it is not my overall experience. Thank you to each and every one of the women who have been there to support me, laugh with me, encourage me, help me out and generally, ensure that I have had many many positive women in my career. These ladies in Tewkesbury Co-working, where I have my office, are an amazing little support group. They have been happy to celebrate when I win a contract, commiserate when I have an off day, and show me in a hundred different ways that women celebrate women.
Go for it ladies, remember that somewhere someone is celebrating your every success (even the small ones). It may not be a colleague, friend or a family member - it maybe a random stranger. In a cafe in Bristol a few weeks back, a woman passed me on the stairs. She stopped, smiled and said "wow you really suit that dress, its lovely" and then carried on without another word. I was taken aback, and totally boosted. I don't know her, may never see her again, but it made the difference to my day.
And, to be honest, more than a few men do these things as well. I am late to the game this year thanking them. So, from the heart, to all the amazing women I thank you, and to all the super supportive men - I thank you too!
Reward Risk Management Ltd.