We are often asked to get involved because clients are not sure where to start. They may have identified an issue, or worse a member of staff has raised one: “why is he/she paid more than me?”. We also get involved when clients identify problems arising from business activities. The trick is to pre-empt those issues:
An EPA will cut your data in many ways, and highlight the areas on which you need to focus. Not knowing where to start often stops a process dead in its tracks. Having an action plan, or a focus for your activities, will give you the confidence to get started. Be warned though – no EPA can dig into the records to find out what decisions where made and when to create a problem. It will only tell you the size of the problem. But at least you’ll know here to start.
If you are not sure if you need an audit, get in touch and we’ll talk you through it; that way you will know for sure.
Reward Risk Management Ltd.